scavanged volcanic rock, adobe, ceramic roof tiles
Michoacán, MX
in collaboration with Hollis Moore
A materially focused meditation on dwelling and weathering though observations of the intricacies of co-making and co-habitation. We constructed a small wall to serve as a visual marker between ecological transition zones, considering the porous and blended nature of border areas between bioregions as something already so familiar to Lichens. Using native volcanic rock and scavenged century-old adobe and ceramic roof tiles, we took design cues from the spaces we noticed Lichens already residing: the local vernacular architecture, the dry-stack walls encircling pasture and cropland, the amalgam of geologic formations in the hills surrounding us. Taking pause in our labors, we greeted the others—insects, spiders, lizards—who had swiftly joined us in the endeavor of making place.
Created at Guapamacátaro Art & Ecology.